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[Case Study] CHATSWORTH, GA Water Works Commission Lowers Risk Profile By Converting to a Safer Disinfectant
Tags: Water Quality, Case Study, Georgia, Southeast, Microclor®, Disinfection

Chatsworth, GA uses OSHGChatsworth Water Works Commission provides both water and wastewater services to the 5,000 residents of the cities of Chatsworth and Eton along with water service to the majority of the additional 35,000 Murray County residents in the nearly-350 square mile service area nestled in the northern part of Georgia at the foot of Fort Mountain. The Commission is committed to provide the best water and waste services at the lowest possible rates without compromising safety of the community. This is reflected in its rank among those utilities as having the lowest average consumer bill for water and waste-water services.

The Commission is constantly involved in seeking new, innovative ways in which to improve customer service, safety, and reliability. A recent accomplishment was to replace the aging chlorine gas disinfection systems at both the Eton Water Treatment Plant and the Judson Vick Wastewater Treatment Plant with the latest technology in on-site hypochlorite generation (OSHG)